What is your residential postcode?
Your Gender?
Did you attend Chilli Festival as a:
How many people in your group were in the following age groups? (Place number in box. eg. 2)
How did you hear about Chilli Festival? (Choose all that apply)
What do you like most about Chilli Festival? (Choose all that apply)
Including 2024, approx. how many years have you been attending Sawtell Chilli Festival?
What else would you like to see at future Sawtell Chilli Festival's? Please share your thoughts and ideas, to make our event even better!
We really appreciate your time to give us some feedback. Good luck with the amazing Sawtell Hotel prizes on offer. Please just provide your details below so we can contact you with your prize!! If you wish to remain anonymous, thats ok too, just skip the boxes below and hit "SEND FEEDBACK"